Dear Great Grandmother Sarah


I look at your picture hanging on my wall

And realise I never knew you at all


I see my father in your face, I see my sister too

I only have to look at them and realise I’m seeing you


Today I walked along the path that one day you did walk

Oh how I wish you had come along and we could have a talk


You died when you were young, the reason I do not know

I’m certain your family would have cried and been full of woe


I have imagined what life was like when you was on this earth

The hardship, poverty and the pain of giving birth


You had four children, which you had to leave behind

I have searched for your resting place but as of yet cannot find


Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and visit you one day

Have a cup of tea and a chat, there is so much I want to say



(c) J.Makrides

 Picture below....William Prime (1846-1928) and Sarah Prime(nee Gowdridge)
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